Latest News
Posted on November 17th 2023
Newsletter 17/11/2023
Thank you to everyone who came to the Cultural Evening last night and in particular thanks to the WPA who did a fantastic job! There have been many other wonderful things happening over the last week including a visit from bestselling author, Sam Angus who inspired Year 7, and a visit with a group of HAWI6 girls to an ‘Advocating Girls’ Event’ at Wimbledon High School. Two HAWI6 girls spoke at the event and had the opportunity to network with women from the legal world. We have our Deep Learning day coming up on the 7th December where there will be more opportunities for the students. You will find further details in the newsletter.
We are very pleased and proud of Year 11 students who have their heads down preparing for their mock exams which start in 15 days. They should now be doing a minimum of 15 hours additional study a week – approximately two hours every evening and five hours over the weekend so they feel fully prepared for the exams.
Please encourage your children to spend at least this amount of time!
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh