Homework is a key part of our curriculum which will not only develop your knowledge but also develop your independent learning skills. Independent learning is vital for success as you progress through your education and into the world of work. This page explains the importance of homework, as well as other opportunities to learn and develop outside of the classroom.
Why does homework matter?
- It will provide you with the opportunity to review and consolidate your learning to ensure it is not forgotten
- It also provides you with the chance to extend and build upon your knowledge
- It develops your independence; the ability to organise and manage your time as well as a sense of responsibility and resilience.
- It supports a valuable learning link between home and school
How is my homework set and submitted?
- Your teacher will set homework and explain it verbally at the start of the lesson
- You will make a note of the task and deadline using your planner
- You will complete the homework that evening so that you are not rushing your work
- If you are struggling to complete homework at home you will be able to attend homework club which runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school
- If you do not submit your homework on time you will receive a 15 minute detention the first time, and then a 45 minute detention each time thereafter
How much homework will I receive?
- If you are in Year 7 you will receive between 30 and 45 minutes of homework for most of your subjects
- If you are in Year 8 you will receive between 40 and 45 minutes of homework for most of your subjects
- If you are in Year 9 you will receive between 45 and 50 minutes of homework for most of your subjects
- If you are in Year 10 and 11 you will receive between 60 and 90 minutes of homework for each of your subjects
A detailed summary of how much homework you will receive each week can be found here.
What other independent work can I do outside of lessons?
There are lots of ways that you can show independence and resilience through self-study. Self-study means going above and beyond your teachers’ expectations and completing additional work that will help you further progress. Here are some tips how:
- Ask your teacher for additional work. For example, past exam papers, research projects and summary reports of topics you have been learning about.
- Carry out independent revision. You can watch these helpful videos about how to revise independently.
- Sign up for additional tutoring in English and Maths as part of our National Tutoring Programme. These sessions are free of charge and last for between twelve and fifteen weeks. See Mr. Dinh if you are interested in a place.
How else can I learn outside of lessons?
Sitting outside of your homework there are a host of extra-curricular opportunities which will further broaden your horizons, develop your cultural capital, and improve your understanding of the academic curriculum. Each of these feed into our overall vision of what we want a HAWI student to become:
- Deep learning days - these are days when you will be off timetable, immersing yourself in a specific subject or theme.
- Trips, visits and external speakers - these take place throughout the year and include theatre trips, visits to museums, and talks by prominent speakers.
- Extra-curricular clubs - these run before, during and after school every day and include sporting clubs as well as interest groups such as historical film club, Student Investor Challenge, and debating (to name just a few).
- Performing Arts - across the year there are chances for you to perform in theatre productions as well as music recitals. You do not need any prior experience; we just want you to have a go and get stuck in so that you build in confidence.
- Duke of Edinburgh - all Year 9 students will take part in Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, and many Year 10 students continue this to the Silver Award.
- Community outreach - this is an integral part of our vision as a school for the community, and includes fund raising, community service, and volunteering with local charities.