Reporting an Absence
On the first day of absence, please contact the Academy by 8.30am at the latest by either emailing or by phoning the dedicated absence answer machine on 020 3962 4300 opt 3. If you are leaving a message on the answer machine, please clearly leave your child’s full name, House group and reason for absence. Please ensure you phone in for every day of absence even if it is a continuous absence from the previous day. If we have not heard from you by 9.30am, we will contact you via the contact details we have on our management information system. Please ensure we are kept up to date with any changes of address, email address or telephone numbers.
If your son/daughter has a medical appointment, please request absence from school via a note in their planner explaining what time they need to leave the Academy. Routine dentist and doctor’s appointments need to be made after school or in the school holidays.
If your son or daughter arrives late to the Academy, they must sign in at Student Services. A student who arrives late without good reason for the first time in a half term will be given a 15 minute detention after school the same day. Students late more than once in a half term will be given a one hour late detention on a Friday for each time they are late. Students who are late on more than two occasions will be placed on punctuality report.
Attendance to school is crucial for success. The only reason for absence should be for illness. Term dates are published in advance so please do not book holidays in term time as they will not be authorised. If you are requesting absence for anything other than a medical appointment, the request must be submitted on a leave of absence form. Leave of absence forms must be requested in writing via the Academy reception. On receipt of a leave of absence form together with any supporting documentation, consideration will be given to the circumstance. A letter outlining the decision of the school will be sent to you within 7 days. Attendance is required at specific school events including sporting fixtures and the Academy can only run successfully if parents and students give their full commitment to all activities.