At Harris Academy we believe that by requiring students to wear the Academy uniform, it is intended to develop their sense of loyalty to the community of which they are members, and to encourage them to take pride in their appearance. Students are expected to wear full Academy uniform on the way to and from the Academy and are expected to be smart at all times.
For more details regarding our Uniform please read our uniform policy which can be found by clicking here.
Second Hand Uniform and Funding
The WPA (our parents’ association) run a second hand uniform sale at every parents’ evening and at other events during the year. We would be grateful if you could send any outgrown/unwanted uniform to student services so it can be included in the sale. This can include black coats, shoes and trainers. If you require any uniform in between parents’ evenings, please email WPA at wpa.uniform.info@gmail.com.
Students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) are eligible to receive a £70 voucher towards the cost of school uniform. Please ensure you have completed and returned the FSM application form if you believe you are entitled to receive FSM’s. An electronic copy of the application form can be found here: https://www.merton.gov.uk/system/files?file=pupil20premium20application20form20website.pdf and the completed form should be provided to the Finance Office or emailed to finance@harriswimbledon.org.uk
Below you will find some useful guides to help you when purchasing your son/daughter's uniform.
Our Uniform Board
Girls' Uniform
Jacket: Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Shirt: White, open collar
Jumper (optional): Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Skirt: Kilt or Trousers: Black, tailored with pockets, full length
Socks (for trousers): Black
Tights (for skirt): Black
Shoes: polished black, traditional style, black stitching, black sole and heel. Shoes must be smart and polishable and should not be patent/shiny leather. No shoe/trainer cross footwear, trainers, fabric shoes, rugged hiking/work boots or knee length boots. No heels or wedges. Please see below for images of acceptable shoes.
Boys' Uniform
Jacket: Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Shirt: White, closed collar
Jumper (optional): Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Trousers: Black, tailored with pockets, full length
Tie: Black and Gold
Socks: Black
Shoes: polished black, traditional style, black stitching, black sole and heel. Shoes must be smart and polishable and should not be patent/shiny leather. No shoe/trainer cross footwear, trainers, fabric shoes, rugged hiking/work boots or knee length boots. No heels or wedges. Please see below for images of acceptable shoes.
PE Kit
PE Shirt: Black with Gold trim with Academy Logo
PE Shorts/Skort: Black
PE Socks: Black
PE Skin top/legs: Black
PE Sports Trainers: any brand but they must have non marking soles and suitable for sports. Please see below for acceptable PE Sports Trainers. Fashion trainers such as Nike Air Force or chunky platform trainers are not permitted.
PE Football Boots: any brand, moulded studded boots suitable for firm ground and astroturf. Metal studded boots are not permitted. Please see below for images of acceptable PE Football Boots.
Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Dark Grey with Mustard trim
Trousers / Skirt:
Black with Mustard stripes
To order school uniform, please visit https://www.stevensons.co.uk/schools/harris-academy-wimbledon/1015