British Values at Harris Academy Wimbledon
The Department for Education sets out five clear strands in their definition of British Values, and here at HAWI we all whole heartedly agree with these.
These values are taught in a variety of ways both through our everyday curriculum but also through our Human and Life Skills, SMSC Curriculum and through our Enrichment and Extra-Curricular opportunities. Every member of staff at HAWI is responsible for identifying and delivering key messages linked to the British Values through their everyday interactions with students and by acting as role models by embodying these values in all that they do.
Student voice is incredibly important at HAWI and our Student Council meets regularly to share the voice of all students at HAWI through a democratic approach mirroring that of a national election.
Each member of the Student Council must run for election by creating manifestos and making speeches to gain the support of their House Group who subsequently elect them to become House Leaders and represent their House Group at Student Council. The whole, academy vote for the Students Leadership representatives of Head Boy and Head Girl annually at our HAWI Student Election and the students elected then serve for a one-year term.
The Student Council take feedback from their peers and listen to their thoughts in order to represent them to the best of their ability. This enables all students to have a voice in making change.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is consistently reinforced at HAWI, and consequently our students possess a strong sense of equality and understanding of what is right and wrong.
We have a rigorous Behaviour and Rewards Policy that is understood by all staff and students and is consistently used both in lessons and outside of the classroom. Students are taught the ‘rules’ of the school along with the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules and the law are broken. Students are made aware of how their actions affect others in the community and where needed we work with students to ensure they are better able to make the right choices.
Individual Liberty
In lessons, students are encouraged to join in and feel free to express their opinion. They are also taught that they will have their opinion challenged and they have a right to reply to this too. This is part of the whole-school Oracy strategy of ABC (Agree, Build & Challenge). Students are encouraged to make good choices and understand that it is their right to receive an empowering education in a safe environment. They are encouraged to exercise their rights and personal freedom, whilst appreciating that everyone is unique and should have their own individual voice. We consistently remind students about creating a ‘Culture of Kindness’ and stereotypes are regularly challenged. This enables our students to feel self-confident and comfortable to express themselves as individuals.
Mutual Respect
Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Staff and students treat each other with the utmost respect and courtesy. Students learn that their behaviours affect their rights and those of others. All members of the school community are required to treat each other with respect. This message is communicated to students through assemblies and the Human and Life Skills Curriculum, as well as in everyday interactions with staff and students, and creates a Culture of Kindness where everyone is able to thrive.
Prevention of bullying is very important within the school and is addressed through the Human and Life Skills Curriculum, assemblies, surveys and our Prevention of Bullying Policy. We celebrate Anti-Bullying week with a series of House activities and whole school events to promote difference and equality in our school. Students are also taught about respect and bullying in the online world ensuring that bullying is rare at HAWI.
Tolerance of Others
HAWI is rich in cultural diversity and we are proud to promote and celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Students learn that all members of the school community deserve to be treated with respect and that differences are to be accepted and celebrated.
Throughout our curriculum teachers take opportunities to promote mutual respect and understanding. In Religious Studies this is a particular focus as students learn about all World Religions and are taught about the importance of respecting and understanding different beliefs people have.
Assemblies and the Human and Life Skills Curriculum actively challenge stereotypes and reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others no matter their ethnicity, beliefs, gender or disability again creating a Culture of Kindness where all students thrive and succeed as a result.