Music Specialism
We are passionate about music education at Harris Academy Wimbledon.
The Academy allocates up to 10% of the places available within the PAN (18 places) to children who demonstrate an aptitude for music. Children who wish to be considered for an aptitude place will sit a musical aptitude test. This test is designed not to determine the child's current musical ability, but their aptitude for learning music in the future, with a threshold having been set to determine qualification for consideration for a place.
Parents should note that the Academy must take all reasonable steps to ensure the results of the test are notified to parents before the application closing date on Friday, 31 October 2025. Parents must therefore complete a Musical Aptitude Application and submit it to the Academy by post/hand, or by email to, by Friday, 19 September 2025. This form will only be used to make the arrangements for the test, and will play no part when the applications of those meeting the threshold are processed and places allocated.
If successful, students will receive:
- Priority place at Harris Academy Wimbledon.
- One meeting with Subject Lead of Music every half term to check in on musical progress and how they think music is going.
- Priority for instrumental music lessons. Students who are pupil premium will receive free 20-minute instrumental lessons.
- Must join at least one music extra-curricular club/ensemble.
- Attend music theory class every Friday morning.
Click here to download the application form.
Click here to find out more about the test.
Click here to read our admission policy.