Examination Reports & Destinations
We are thrilled that Harris Academy Wimbledon performed well above the national average in our 2024 GCSE results. The academy’s progress score is +0.62, which means that on average students in Year 11 achieved well over half a grade above their target. This places Harris Academy Wimbledon in the top 10% of schools nationally and the top 10% of schools in the Southeast (the highest performing region in the country).
Other headlines include:
- 86% of students were entered for the EBacc (compulsory English, Maths and Science, plus a language and humanities subject). This is over double the national average.
- 70% of students passed English and Maths
- Students in receipt of Free School Meals achieved a progress score of +0.30 against the national average of -0.57
- +0.58 progress in English
- +0.98 progress in the Ebacc (Geography and/or History, and a language)
More information on our 2024 GCSE results can be found here: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/145860/harris-academy-wimbledon
Harris Academy 6th Form opened in 2023. The Academy will present its first set of students for A Level results in the summer of 2025.
Fifty of our Year 11 students continued their education with HAWI in our new and ambitious Sixth Form (HAWI6). We are incredibly proud of the students who met the entry requirements, and in many cases far exceeded them. By staying with us they can take advantage of everything that is on offer at HAWI6. This includes, but is not limited to, our weekly LAB lectures, subject societies, the Kings College School partnership, and comprehensive support all-year round to ensure a competitive UCAS application.
Other students are also going on to other great Post-16 provisions around London. Some examples of destinations that we are particularly excited about are one student going to the Brit school, two going to Harris Westminster and one student who got a full scholarship to our partner school Kings College School, Wimbledon. We are excited to see how students embrace the opportunities these fantastic GCSE results open up for their futures.