Latest News
Posted on January 27th 2023
Newsletter 27.01.23
It has been a very busy week with many opportunities for the whole community. I particularly enjoyed reading Hugh Bonneville’s book - Playing Under the Piano - and then interviewing him. He was very generous with his time and gave some excellent advice to the students. Alongside this event, there have been sports fixtures, a theatre visit, trips to Wembley stadium and to the Houses of Parliament, a Shakespeare festival and all of Year 10 have been working on Jack Petchy’s Speak Out Challenge.
Everyone who has come into contact with the students has been very complimentary about their positive attitude to their work and their enthusiasm - well done!
I have sent a separate letter today about the NEU strike action which is planned for Wednesday. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend, Mrs Larizadeh