Latest News
Posted on February 3rd 2023
Newsletter 03/02/23
Thank you to all the staff who have been leading the various opportunities for the students over the last few weeks; I really appreciate all the time they spend providing the many visits and events. On that note, we are very much looking forward to the swimming gala tomorrow evening at Tooting Leisure Centre. I was proud that our Music students were invited to perform at the Winter Warmer concert in aid of the Mayor of Merton’s charities and delighted that the year 7 and 8 girls beat Harris Academy Clapham in the 2nd round the Harris Cup! These are just two of the achievements for this week - you will find many more in the newsletter.
Over the last few weeks both Mr Walsh and Mr Arnold have given assemblies to the students around the topic of being safe online. We all recognise the positive impact of the internet but it is important that all young people know how to stay safe online. I would be grateful if you could spend some time over the weekend, reminding your children about how to stay safe:
• Think before you post
• Don’t share personal details
• Watch out for any scams
• Think about who you are talking to
• Keep your device secure
• Never give out your password
If you have any further questions or would like any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s tutor.
Have an enjoyable weekend, Mrs Larizadeh