Latest News
Posted on January 20th 2023
Newsletter 20.01.23
Year 11s received their mock exam results yesterday and now they need to be clear about what they need to do and how they plan to do it before the public exams start in May. Most importantly they don’t need to panic as we are all here to help them. This starts with Year 11 parents’ evening on Thursday where there must be 100% attendance by all! Last night, we also had Year 9 parents/options’ evening where Year 9 students started to think about which subjects they would like to study for GCSE - there is further information on the website, but don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions.
Alongside the excellent work in lessons, the newsletter is jam packed with opportunities for the students – please encourage your child to keep getting involved!
As you maybe aware from the news, one of the teachers’ unions, the NEU, has voted to take strike action on Wednesday 1st February and I will write to you next week about how this may affect the academy.
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh