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Posted on July 15th 2022
Newsletter 15/07/22
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Lord Harris to formally open our new building. Please find below an extract from the short speech i made:
‘I am delighted to welcome you to HAWI to mark the formal opening of this outstanding building. As a school we are coming to the end of our fourth year and I am very proud of everyone who has been involved in its journey. We have built the school around our motto – ‘Make a Difference’ – to make a difference to our own lives by working hard and taking the opportunities on offer to us and to make a difference to everyone else around us by being kind and giving back to our community.
This vision has become a reality by joint endeavour. Of course, it is just a building without the students, staff and parents who have brought it to life and given it spirit and purpose. I’d like to thank Year 10s who have been the trailblazers of our vision and all the other students who have helped build and develop HAWI’s ethos. I’d like to thank the staff who work incredibly hard every single day .
Lord Harris – this building bears your name – you have given us the key to the door that leads these students to their future. I am sure there are potential entrepreneurs, educators, athletes, doctors and lawyers in this room but most importantly I know that we have young people who hold important values – to make a difference to themselves and everyone else around them.’
I’d like to thank you, as parents and carers, for supporting your children and contributing to our community.