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Posted on September 9th 2022
Newsletter 09/09/22
We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. During the period of national mourning, we join together as a community to acknowledge her extraordinary lifetime of service. We have had an excellent start to the term and I would like to welcome all the new families who are joining the HAWI community. Year 7 have settled in extremely well, with many of them benefitting from coming to the summer school. I am delighted to let you know that we had our first set of GCSE results this summer as a group of Year 10 students (now Year 11) took a language GCSE exam early. I am pleased to report that they all passed with flying colours and two thirds of the cohort achieved a GCSE Grade 9 – the highest possible grade. I am very proud of them and confident that Year 11 will do exceptionally well in their summer GCSE exams 2023. Academic progress is at the heart of what we do, but our ethos is also about developing students’ interests and skills by being involved in a wide range of opportunities. On that note, Extracurricular activities begin on Monday and all students are expected top be involved. There is more information in the newsletter about how to sign up. Please note the dates for your diary section in the newsletter (you can see dates for the year on the website) and I look forward to seeing you during the course of the year. Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Larizadeh