Latest News
Posted on December 3rd 2021
Newsletter 03/12/21
I will use my column this week to let you know all the different events and opportunities available for the last two weeks of term.
· The Winter Celebration is on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th December at 6.30pm. This is a celebration of talent in the Arts and all year 7 will be performing alongside other year groups.
· Festive Mufti Day is on Friday 10th December.
· Festive Lunch is on Wednesday 15th December. The cost is covered by the Academy for all students who sign up with their house tutor by Wednesday 8th December.
· Lower School students (years 7 and 8) will be going to the theatre on Thursday 9th December.
· Lower School have their annual decorate the door competition. Deadline is 4pm on Thursday 16th December.
· The final day of term is Friday 17th December. Students will have house festive parties and need to bring in a gift up to the value of £2 for Secret Santa. House tutors will provide further information.
Extra curricular activities will finish on Thursday 9th December and I am sure year 7, 8 and 9 will be pleased to know that homework finishes on Friday 10th December. Year 10 homework will continue until Thursday 16th December. Enrichment will finish on Tuesday 7th December. Therefore students in years 7-9 will be dismissed at 3pm on Tuesday 14th December unless they are in Year 9 and haven't secured their volunteering option for the Spring Term. Year 10 lessons continue until 4pm.
There is more information in the newsletter about the various activities but if you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the academy.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh