Latest News
Posted on December 10th 2021
Newsletter 10/12/2021
The festive spirit is wonderful to see this week. Staff have reported that Year 7 and 8 had a great time at the theatre yesterday and really enjoyed the shows. Year 9 had a very productive careers day; they had an assembly exploring pathways and took part in workshops led by National Grid and the Army, culminating in a Dragon’s Den style show.
Year 10 spent the day working on their Science Required Practicals. During the course of the day, students investigated how to calculate density, made some beautiful copper sulphate crystals and investigated how water enters and leaves plant cells.
It is fantastic to see so many students wearing festive dress today and contributing to two very important charities: Save the Children and The Trussell Trust.
We are really looking forward to The Winter Celebration on Monday and Tuesday. I am sorry that we have had to restrict numbers for the evening, but I know that you understand that we must ensure we keep minimising the risk of anyone catching Covid-19. We will film one of the evenings and place a link on the website by the end of term. Everyone attending will be required to show evidence of a negative lateral flow test taken within the last 24 hours. On that note, you will have seen from the media that cases are increasing so it is vital that the whole school community continues to test every Sunday and Wednesday evening. If you child has any symptoms of Covid-19, a continuous cough, high temperature or a loss of taste/smell, please do not send them to school until they have had a negative PCR test result.
I am delighted to announce that we will have a new uniform company (Stevensons) from the 1st January which I hope will be more efficient than Brigade! We have gone through a competitive tendering process to ensure that the uniform is of best value, and the company have a shop in addition to an online ordering system. In consultation with the student council, we have made a few changes to the uniform including a skirt for the girls without the split and an improved PE kit. There isn’t any obligation to buy any of the new items until your child grows out of their current one. Miss Pocock will send you a separate letter next week containing all of the information.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh