Latest News
Posted on April 26th 2024
Newsletter 26.04.24
This week, we have seen excellent team spirit in the Year 9
First Give charity presentations and also in the House trips. In the First Give presentations, each tutor group presented their
projects to a panel of judges on their chosen charity and this year, 9 Butler were victorious for the Wimbledon Guild. Congratulations to everyone involved. We have had some brilliant house trips this week to Adventure Golf, Boardroom climbing and the Virtual Reality Arcade
Experience. All the students really enjoyed themselves and there are some great photographs in the newsletter. Thank you to the Heads of House for organising them.
We are looking for nominations for the Jack Petchey
Foundation. Students can nominate their peers to achieve the award. There is some more information in the newsletter so please encourage your children to get involved. On the note of getting
involved, we have so many different sports on offer this term and we really encourage everyone to find the sport they enjoy.
Best wishes, Mrs Larizadeh