Latest News
Posted on January 26th 2024
Newsletter 26/01/2024
Year 11 students received their mock exam results on Wednesday and had their parents evening last night. They are now putting their revision timetables together from now until the first exam. They don’t need to panic as we are all here to help them, but they do need to work hard so they can all achieve their potential. I am very proud of them and know that they will focus on doing their best.
Mr Walsh has been sending out a lot of information about attendance and I can’t emphasise enough how important it is that everyone attends every day. All the research tells us that poor attendance has a negative impact on achieving young people achieving their potential.
Alongside the excellent work in lessons, the newsletter is jam packed with opportunities for the students – please encourage your child to keep getting involved!
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh