Latest News
Posted on October 5th 2023
Newsletter 05/10/2023
Over the last few weeks, we have welcomed over 1200 visitors to the academy. They have been incredibly impressed with the students and I’d like to thank you for all your support in ensuring your children wear their uniform with pride and engage so well with visitors. In addition, we are almost full for our 16+ evening on Tuesday so if you would still like to come, please sign up as soon as possible. I’d also like to thank the Wimbledon Parents’ association (WPA) for their continued support in raising money for the academy and providing some fun evenings for our community. Please see the details inside about the Cultural Evening in November. Our HAWI6 partnership with Kings College Wimbledon has got off to a great start and a group of students had an excellent day at a leadership conference this week. Finally, it has been great to see so much energy and enthusiasm for our extra-curricular programme.
Best wishes,
Mrs Larizadeh