Latest News
Posted on July 14th 2023
Newsletter 14/07/23
This is the last edition of the newsletter for this academic year. As I sit and write this, I am reflecting on what has really been an outstanding year for the Academy. We will complete our fifth academic year next week and I think it has probably been the best! The students’ outstanding commitment to their learning in the classroom was recognised by Ofsted in January and has only gone from strength to strength since then. Five years of learning culminated in our first cohort taking their GCSE exams, which they approached with maturity, diligence and excellent preparation. But of course, learning inside the classroom has been matched by enthusiasm, resilience and independence outside the classroom. The newsletter is packed with photographs from our outdoor activity week and there are so many other highlights from the last year - if you glance back at all the newsletters you will see that we have done over 60 different trips and had over 100 different extracurricular opportunities during the year.
We live and breathe our motto ‘make a difference’ and our sense of community is really what makes us special – still cheering and supporting each other in the rain today at sports day! Pastoral care is always at the heart of what we do and I am delighted to let you know that we will be adding to this team in September with new Heads of Year for all year groups alongside our Directors of Upper and Lower school.
As we enter our final week and look to next academic year, we have plenty to look forward to. The main centre piece of this will be opening HAWI6, our new sixth form but we will continue to ensure we remain at the forefront of providing an outstanding education for all. We will welcome new students and staff and will work together to ‘make a difference’ to our own lives and everyone else around us.
I would like to say thank you for all your support and wish you and all your families a restful and enjoyable summer.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Larizadeh