Latest News
Posted on November 11th 2022
Newsletter 11/11/22
The prevention of bullying is central to our ethos at HAWI and we are supporting the National Anti-Bullying week next week with our own HAWI week. Please encourage your child to wear odd socks on Wednesday to show their support for Anti-Bullying and also
encourage them to get involved in the other activities and
competitions. As ever, if you have any concerns about bullying, please ensure you contact your child’s house tutor so we can follow it up. We are also focusing on rewards next week as we are so
impressed with how kind, hard working and supportive of each other the students are – they are continually making a difference to themselves and everyone else around them.
The Heads of House led some fun social trips this week; I’d like to thank them and all the staff who supported the trips especially for giving up their time in the evening. While we are on the theme of evening
activities, there are still a few tickets left for the Cultural Evening on Thursday and you can find all the details in the newsletter about how to purchase them – we would love to see you there.
Thank you for your continued support of the academy and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns.
Wishing you an enjoyable weekend, Mrs Larizadeh