Latest News
Posted on November 4th 2022
Newsletter 04/11/22
Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term. On Thursday 17th November, Wimbledon Parents’ Association are organising a family cultural evening. All the information is in the newsletter and tickets are available via ParentPay. I hope that many of you will be free to join us. Alongside lessons, Years 8 and 10 assessments and Year 11 mock exams this term, there are many other opportunities for the students: • There are house trips next week for the students who have signed up. • We have our Winter Celebration on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th December where all Year 7 and many other students will be performing. • On Wednesday 7th December, we have a deep learning day where Year 7 and 8 will be going to the theatre, Year 9 will be doing a Career’s Day and Year 10 have a Science Experiment Day. We always fund 50% of all trips and visits for children in receipt of free school meals but we also offer a bursary fund for any student who needs further financial support. Please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Nailon at the academy if you would like to access the bursary fund. Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend, Mrs Larizadeh