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Posted on May 20th 2022
Newsletter 20/05/22
This week has been about preparing for exams. The times of the day remain the same but there won’t be any enrichment, and the only clubs will be sports clubs which will go ahead as normal. There is some important information in the newsletter about exams. Alongside preparing for exams, we were delighted to welcome Michael Mann, author of Ghostcloud who inspired the Year 7 students to be talk about reading, writing and what it is like to be an author. This morning, we had an excellent school council meeting where we discussed having a whole school cultural day after half term, how to develop the rewards system and how we can continue to develop opportunities through trips and visits. I am delighted with how well the students presented themselves in the meeting; they were articulate, focused and contributed some excellent ideas on how we can continue to develop our academy together.
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh