Latest News
Posted on May 13th 2022
Newsletter 13/05/22
Last week, I wrote about how pleased I am with the team spirit across HAWI and so I am delighted to let you know that the students participating in the Borough Sports Competition worked as a team and brought home the winning trophy for the mixed school’s competition. Well done to everyone involved! But as we know, team work comes in many shapes and forms, and some of the best team work we see is when students work together in lessons to help each other learn. The fruits of this team work has been seen in how well students are doing in their Maths lessons which saw 64 students across Years 7 and 8 achieve a certificate for the Junior Math Challenge. This puts us in the top 7% of schools nationally. We published the different contact emails in the newsletter last week; please don’t hesitate to contact us about anything.
If you feel anything is unresolved, please email my PA, Michelle Machin on and I will get back to you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Larizadeh