Latest News
Posted on February 28th 2025
Newsletter 28.02.25
Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term!
In assembly this week, we discussed how hard work, and determination can turn our dreams into reality. We emphasised that success isn’t about waiting for things to magically fall into place – as the saying goes from the TV show Fame, "Success is paid for in sweat." Therefore, being independent and resilient will help us all make a difference and achieve our dreams. While we continue to focus on academic achievement in the classroom, HAWI remains dedicated to providing a wide range of opportunities to help students discover their passions and broaden their experiences. This half term, we have some exciting events lined up, including World Book Day, Science Week, Curiosity Days, the Swimming Gala, CCF camp, and Charity Day on March 14th. We encourage all students to get involved in as many activities as possible, including the extracurricular clubs and opportunities available each week. We would also be thrilled to see as many families as possible at our Quiz Night on March 13th – more details can be found in the newsletter.
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh