Latest News
Posted on December 1st 2023
Newsletter 01.12.2023
We are looking forward to starting our December traditions with the students:
· The Winter Celebration where we share in the many artistic talents of the students.
· ‘Decorate the Door’ competition where students compete against each other for house points.
· Festive Jumper day and a traditional British Christmas Lunch. This is also a charity day where we raise money for Save the Children.
· ‘Secret Santa’ and tutor group parties.
Over the next two weeks, there will be details in the Newsletter about all of these fun events.
Alongside the festive spirit, Year 11 are starting their mock examinations and we wish them the best of luck. I have had the pleasure of visiting many Year 11 lessons over the last few weeks and I am very proud of how hard they are working.
Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Larizadeh