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Posted on September 23rd 2022
Newsletter 23/09/22
We welcomed over 1000 visitors this week for our annual Open Evening and the students represented their academy exceptionally well. Many families commented on how smart the students looked and how they spoke with confidence – I am very proud of them! On the 11th October from 5.30pm – 8.30pm, we have our 6th form Open Evening and I am delighted to let you know that we will work in partnership with King’s College Wimbledon in the delivery of the 6 th form. Students from both Sixth Forms will work together on university applications, enrichment opportunities and across some lessons. Our 6th form will be called HAWI6 and more information can be found here: Students in Year 11 who attend HAWI will have priority admissions as long as they meet the entry criteria for the subjects they wish to study. If you know any young people from other schools who might be interested in joining HAWI6, please pass on the details of the open evening. Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Larizadeh