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Posted on February 11th 2022
Newsletter 11/02/22
It has been a whirlwind of a half term which has included Diversity Week, Cirque du Soleil theatre visit, the lower school disco, our inaugural house trips, an author visit and raising money for our charity Stop Hate UK. We have been incredibly impressed with how Year 9 have approached their GCSE option choices and Year 10 had a fantastic day yesterday working on the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge. We’ve had some big sporting fixtures including the Year 9 netball team who have got to the finals of the Harris Federation competition and we are particularly proud of the Year 8 girls who came 5th out of 400 schools in the Cyber Security Girls’ Competition. Alongside this, all year groups have made fantastic progress in their recent assessments and continue to make a difference to the lives of everyone else around them.
Thank you for continued support and I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable half term break.
Mrs Larizadeh